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At the Home Plate

With the election culminating tonight, and having followed and studied the 2010 Pennsylvania races, we have our predictions. Regardless of statistical figures and polls, we have here our personal predilections on the election results. A.L.: For senate, I expect Toomey to win due to his long-held lead and the prevailing anti-Democratic opinion for 2010. K.M.: … Continue reading

A Green Future for Pennsylvania; In Too Many Ways.

Background With the world finally waking up to the dangers of Climate Change a new industry has arisen in PA determined to remove the coal state stigma and offer the state a greener future. Natural Gas, a relatively clean, much more efficient, and green energy source has been discovered in western Pennsylvania. Named the Marcellus … Continue reading

2008 = 2010?

The race is tightening up between republicans and democrats across the board. In Pennsylvania, Sestak is catching back up to Toomey, so much so, the race is now a “toss up”. As of today, Toomey is only ahead by 2.8% where only a month earlier, he was ahead by 7%. This could be a sign … Continue reading

Less than Flattering: ‘Presentation’ of the Candidates

Corbett would be more convincing if his eyes were looking at the camera and not at the teleprompter to the left of the camera.

The Twisted Money Trail

Background In perhaps the most dangerous decision of this year, last January the Supreme Court of the United States effectively ruled that corporations had the right to freedom of speech and by that extension the right to practically buy elections. Why does a national decision need to be mentioned in a state electoral politics blog? … Continue reading

Your’e Hired. .

The Issue What is the number one topic on every candidates’ campaign site? Jobs, and how they are going to created.  The latest data on unemployment from the census bureau state that the unemployment rate is 9.2% in Pennsylvania (Sept. 2010). Obviously, creating jobs is a pressing issue for Pennsylvanians.   Penn. comes in right below … Continue reading

From left to right: Kathy Dahlkemper, Pat Meehan, Mike Fitzpatrick, Chris Carney, Lou Barletta, Mark Critz
Left: Dan Onorato, right: Tom Corbett

A race to rule the Commonwealth, and maybe defy history

Background After eight years of Democratic rule, the Republicans are anxious to capture the Governor’s seat. Not since former Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, have Republicans won the Governor’s Seat. They held the seat until 2003 by Tom Ridge’s appointment of Mark Schweiker. This year the Republicans look poised to take back the office. With … Continue reading

In a mudslinging field, all blind attack and no position clarity

Toomey’s campaign wasted little time in blanketing Pennsylvania with Sestak attack ads after Sestak’s primary win, accusing Sestak of voting ‘wrong’ on issues of healthcare and the bailout. Meanwhile, Sestak has rearranged his attack machine away from the defeated Specter and has started gunning for Toomey with the same devious tactics.

Steadfast Conservative Pat Toomey

The irony of the current election is obvious: Pat Toomey returned to seek Specter’s Senate seat again for 2010, expecting to face Specter the Democrat in the November elections.

  • About Us

    Pennforge is a group of college kids excited to follow the 2010 elections of Pennsylvania. We hope to highlight the candidates, the issues, and any race drama that may come up. Thanks for following!